Baptism and the Path to Reaching the Truth

Baptism is the process of uniting the life body with its soul. Understand it as finding lost paradise. Fire, Air, Water, Earth have been nailed to the cross. Innocent blood was shed without any sin.


Master M.H. ULUG & Hanif TURK


Baptism and the Path to Reaching the Truth


Baptism is the process of uniting the life body with its soul. Understand it as finding lost paradise. Fire, Air, Water, Earth have been nailed to the cross. Innocent blood was shed without any sin. The wise man calls this 'the crucifixion of Jesus'. Can pays for his preference for matter with his own life. Until he removes the four nails, Can is always crucified. This torture ends only when the truth is reached. The third eye cannot be opened by dropping water between the two eyebrows. Even crows laugh at this. Jesus raised the dead, and when he became the Messiah, his name was changed. It was himself that he resurrected, Yahya washed the body. Our real name of God is the name of our identity in God. If we can't find it, we will be just log kids. Look at the names of all three holy books; The oldest saying. The first word is O. What is called the oldest is the essence of greatest souls.

The Meaning of Baptism and the Integration of the Life Body with its Spirit

Baptism, as a spiritual ritual, aims to find the lost paradise, and in this process, the purification and integration of the soul is aimed. This ritual is considered an important step in a person's spiritual journey and is found in different forms in many cultures and religions. This deep meaning of baptism is expressed symbolically by the four basic elements: fire, air, water and earth. Each element plays a different role in the soul's purification and integration process.

Fire symbolizes purification and rebirth. It represents the soul getting rid of its old burdens and making a new start. Air signifies spiritual freedom and divine wisdom. This element helps one reach higher levels of awareness in their spiritual journey. Water is a symbol of cleansing and spiritual purity. The main reason for using water during baptism is to ensure that the soul is purified from impurities and becomes pure. Earth represents the soul's connection with the world and its existence in this world. Integration with the earth enables a person to gain awareness of both his spiritual and physical existence.

The shedding of innocent blood in the ritual of baptism has a deep symbolic meaning and is associated with a wise event known in the Christian faith as the 'crucifixion of Jesus'. The crucifixion of Jesus is accepted as the sacrifice made for the redemption and salvation of humanity. In this context, the shedding of innocent blood during baptism symbolizes that the person is spiritually purified and starts a new life. This ritual is considered an important milestone in one's spiritual journey and completes the process of purification and integration of the soul.

Life Body's Preference for Substance and the Torture Process

The soul's preference for matter is an important turning point in the spiritual journey. This preference symbolizes the soul's dependence on the physical world and its tendency towards material desires. This is one of the biggest obstacles an individual faces in his spiritual quest. Attachment to matter puts the soul in a constant process of torture; This torture is symbolized by four nails. The four nails represent the crucifixion of the soul and the pain it experiences in the process. The cross here signifies not only physical but also spiritual torture.

The four nails symbolize the individual's desires and addictions scattered throughout the world. Unless the soul can get rid of these addictions, it continues to be crucified. This process is one of the most difficult experiences a person encounters on his journey to reach the truth. Each nail represents an attachment to the material world, and releasing these attachments is essential for spiritual awakening. In the process of reaching the truth, the end of this torture is only possible when the individual breaks away from the material world and experiences spiritual enlightenment.

The difficulties encountered in this process test the person's spiritual resistance and patience. While the material world offers comfort and temporary pleasures, these pleasures also prevent the soul from reaching deep inner peace. The process of torture involves the spiritual experiences necessary to break the soul's ties with this world. Each experience brings the individual one step closer to the truth and helps him go beyond the material world.

In the spiritual quest, being aware of and accepting this torture process is an important step in reaching the truth. The soul can only overcome this torture by detaching from the material world and achieving inner peace. This process allows the individual to discover himself and reach a higher level of consciousness.

Truth and the Opening of the Third Eye

Ways to reach the truth are among the deep topics that include individual and spiritual development processes. The opening of the third eye is considered an important stage of spiritual awakening, and in some cultures this process is associated with mystical experiences and inner wisdom. However, the belief that the third eye can be opened by simple practices such as dropping water in the middle of both eyebrows may be considered ridiculous in terms of serious spiritual teachings. Such superficial approaches may seem so meaningless that they would make even crows laugh, because opening the third eye requires complex processes such as deep meditations, internal transformation and raising the level of consciousness.

The miracle of Jesus resurrecting the dead has an important place in the search for truth. This miracle is considered an indication of God's power and divine identity in the process of Jesus becoming the Messiah. These miracles performed by Jesus prove his divine mission and the accuracy of the message he brought to humanity. Therefore, Jesus' miracles are seen as a guide on the way to reaching the truth.

Reflecting on our name in God and our identity in God can help us understand our individual purpose of existence and our place in the universe. In this context, the names of all three holy books and the meaning of the oldest sayings reveal the common points and universal values ​​of humanity in its search for truth. The teachings of the Torah, the Bible and the Quran discuss the concept of truth from different perspectives, and each offers guidance on man's own inner journey.